Break The LOOP of Chronic TMJ, Neck Pain & Head Discomfort... So You Can Feel Like YOURSELF Again!
REVITALIZATION PROGRAM - 12 Weeks To Transform you Back To YOU!
What I've done is taken every treatment strategy and the exact ROOT CAUSE signature method used at my chronic pain clinic for any combination of TMJ, Neck Pain or Head Symptoms... and put it into the REVITALIZATION program. Now, ANYONE, ANYWHERE can learn how to fix themselves from home!
Learn more about the program
I'm Dr. Joseph Damiani, PT, DPT
Dr. Joseph Damiani, PT, DPT has helped over 1000 patients break free from a recurring loop of TMJ disorder, headaches, dizziness, and neck pain. He empowers clients to the uncover and eliminate the root causes that keep them stuck feeling like someone else.
Dr. Joe has experience at two of the top rehab hospitals in the USA. Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan, focusing on Orthopedic Rehab, and at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehab Center in Los Angeles, specializing in Neurological Rehab. These contrasting experiences gave him a holistic understanding of how the neurological and musculoskeletal systems interact. Over the next decade he would work 1 on 1 with patients suffering from Head, Neck & Jaw pain where he developed his signature process to overcome chronic pain loops.
Read moreMY STORY
“Not too long ago I was just like you... chronic head and neck pain along with brain fog and fatigue... ”
10 years ago, I began to experience headaches and upper neck pain daily, I thought it would go away with rest but it got worse. I was also very very fatigued and experienced motion sickness and light sensitivity...
Ironically, these were similar things that many of my patients had been telling me for years (which admittedly, I hadn’t fully understood until now).
This led me to look beyond traditional physical therapy and after years or research and trial and error, I realized I (we) were stuck in what I call a 'Physiological Loop’. Think of it as a communication issue between the nervous system and the body, if you only address one area… the loop persists.
This is how 'Physioloops' was born.
A Method and Signature Process designed to rewrite the Neuroplasticity, Musculoskeletal, Lifestyle and Biochemical components that create chronic symptoms loops.

Our 3 Step Process To Get You Feeling Like Yourself Again
I have seen too many people caught in the frustrating loop of short-term relief and recurrence of symptoms... leading to giving up on their goals. That’s why our process is built on these three simple yet powerful steps.

If you don’t Reveal the root causes, you are wasting your time and money taking the wrong actions. Education and self-assessments allow you to hone in on the (actual) problem.

If you don’t Rewrite the loop, you are just chasing individual symptoms resulting in an emotional rollercoaster of ups and downs. Our ‘all in’ approach addresses neuroplasicity, musculoskeletal and biochemical components.

You revealed the root causes and rewrote the loop… but how do you maintain this revitalized state? Through habit and lifestyle changes, our system will get you over the hump, and keep you there!
Is 'Physioloops' For You...?
Have You Been Experiencing Jaw, Neck or Head Symptoms for >3-6 Months?
AND Do Any Of The Checked Statements Sound Like You?
- I am an PARENT who is trying to be the best version of myself for my KIDS...
- I am an (OVERWORKED) Employee or Entrepreneur who wants to PERFOM at my FULL POTENTIAL…
- I am an FRIEND or FAMILY MEMBER who wants to be known as the ENERGETIC & FUN person I always WAS...
- I am a PERSON who is trying to live in the moment and ENJOY every day life to the Fullest...
Does This Sound Like You Too?
- You’ve tried your best to seek professional help but your efforts always result in failed treatments (or short term relief).
- At this point you fear more debilitation over time.
- You thought it would go away on it’s own so you did nothing about it but now it's the same or worse.
- You’re BEYOND tired of hearing the same (ineffective) solutions at the doctors office... "Rest, Pills, Injections, Try to De-stress 🤛🏽 ”.
- All the imaging and testing comes up negative… But you know this isn’t normal!
- Maybe your family and friends tell you, "Listen, that’s life. Try not to think about it so much."
Are You Experiencing Any Of The Following for >3-6 Months?
TMJ Disorder (Jaw Pain)
- Painful Chewing or Yawning;
- Jaw Stiffness or Difficulty Opening;
- Jaw Clicking & Popping;
- Jaw Pain or Fatigue During The Day.
Neck & Shoulder Pain
- Persistant Upper Neck (Base of Skull) Tension;
- Central or One Sided Neck Pain;
- Pain to Top of Shoulders;
- Pain Between Shoulder Blades.
Migraines & Headaches
- Side of Head Tension (One or Both Sides);
- Headache at Base of Skull;
- Forehead & Temple Pressure;
- Head Heaviness.
Dizziness & Eye Symptoms
- Persistent Lightheadedness or Head Discomfort;
- Dizziness with Head Movements;
- Double Vision or Difficulty Focusing;
- Light Sensitivity or Burning Eyes.
The Revitalization Program is made up of sufferers who are driven to achieve MORE for their life…
…the ones who don’t want to live as a shell of themself, but instead, BECOME the person they once were... again. That's who this is for…
And if you’ve read all the way up to this point, then odds are, YOU are one of those people…
And I’d love to have you be part of Revitalization Membership.
But don’t feel like you have to commit to anything right now. I’m not asking for a contract or anything like that. All you have to do is say “maybe” and test-drive the Physioloops Program FREE for 7 days and see for yourself!
Head, Neck & Jaw Revitalization Program
With your FREE Trial to the REVITALIZATION Membership, you will learn how to implement my step by step ROOT CAUSE signature process to break free from this Chronic Loop and feel like yourself again...
Get My FREE Trial
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